Matt Woods

Biomedia is owned and operated by Matt Woods. Matt is a biological science graduate who majored in botany, zoology and archaeology. In 1995 he did honours and chose an alpine ecology project in the department of zoology.


After university Matt spent four years at the Scienceworks Museum in Melbourne developing and delivering media products for schools and general audiences. He was responsible for communicating science and technology in a way that was both interesting and accessible.


Prior to starting Biomedia in 2001, Matt worked in the private sector as a production manager and at the ABC Natural History Unit as a researcher.


Since starting Biomedia, some of the clients Matt has worked with include:


Dairy Australia

R.M Williams Outback Magazine

Australia Post


Fishwell Consulting

New South Wales DPI

Jumbuck Pastoral


BP Australia

Meat and Livestock Australia

Bureau of Meteorology



Matt Woods

